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Minority Reporter Group

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My company turned to Splento to create videos that were to be the basis for social media promotion. It was important not only to attract attention, but also to convey information to the target audience. At Splento, everything was done at the highest level. First I discussed the ideas with the team, then the best option was chosen and the production of the videos began. The filming and editing process was fast, and the result was impressive. The videos look professional and creative, which couldn't but affect the popularity of our accounts. We received high-quality content that is ideal for promotion on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.


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Minority Reporter (MR) is a local community newspaper covering news and issues relevant to the Rochester, NY community. MR is committed to fostering self awareness, building community and empowering people of color to reach their greatest potential. Further, MR seeks to present a balanced view of relevant issues, utilizing its resources to build bridges among diverse populations; taking them from information to understanding.


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