2024 Clean Sweep Calls for Volunteers

Mayor Malik D. Evans was joined by Naomi Silver, President and CEO of the Rochester Red Wings, members of the Rochester City Council, and neighborhood leaders, today to announce that Rochester’s Clean Sweep is scheduled for Saturday, May 4. The Mayor encouraged the entire community to register to volunteer for the City’s annual spring cleanup.
“Clean Sweep is a classic Rochester event that embodies the enormous spirit of pride that our citizens have in our community,” said Mayor Evans. “At Clean Sweep, we unite—friends, family, neighbors, and strangers—to beautify every corner of the city. I invite you to join me this year; few experiences match the satisfaction of transforming our city for the better, alongside thousands of dedicated individuals.”
Residents, community groups, sports teams, businesses, churches, and youth groups are encouraged to form teams, and individuals are welcome too. Clean Sweep begins at 8 a.m. sharp on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at Innovative Field, 1 Morrie Silver Way.
Upon arrival, volunteers find their group or join a project on the spot, receive a Clean Sweep t-shirt, and enjoy a light breakfast before boarding buses headed to their project sites, where gloves, tools, and bags await them. While volunteers work, City crews remove graffiti, clean City properties, repair sidewalks, fill potholes, and plant flowers. As projects are completed, the buses bring volunteers back to Innovative Field to enjoy a free Red Wings game and lunch.
Groups and individuals are encouraged to register now by calling 311 or (585) 428-5990 (outside city limits) or online at www.cityofrochester.gov/cleansweep. Clean Sweep volunteers should wear appropriate clothing, including hard-soled shoes and long pants. Gloves and tools are provided, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own if possible.