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6 Things Rochester Residents Should Know About Braces Before Getting Them

Ashley Curtis

So you've lately become curious about braces? Maybe you have an overbite, or your son's teeth are crooked. Whatever your reason, don't worry; you're not alone. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, about 50 to 75% of people can benefit from orthodontic treatment. To help you satisfy your curiosity, here are six things Rochester residents should know about braces before getting them.

1. There Are Varying Types of Braces Treatment

Braces are teeth straightening appliances orthodontists use to correct bite issues, a misaligned jaw, or crooked or crowded teeth. Besides enhancing your smile, braces treatment also improves your overall oral health. There are two types of braces: fixed or removable appliances.

Fixed appliances are bonded to the teeth throughout the treatment's active period. You can't remove them voluntarily at home. They typically consist of orthodontic wires and either ceramic or metal brackets.

With removable appliances, you can insert or remove them at will. These include aligners like Invisalign or removable acrylic and stainless steel wire plates. The type of braces your orthodontist will recommend will depend on the specifics of your case.

2. Age Is Just a Number

Contrary to popular belief, orthodontic treatment is available for adults and patients as young as seven years. More than four million Americans, 25% of whom are adults, wear braces, according to Humana. As long as your teeth and gums are healthy, you can wear braces at any age. If you have kids, schedule their initial orthodontic consultation after they turn seven years. Several permanent teeth will erupt at this age, and bite issues can be identified and addressed appropriately if they exist.

3. Some Foods Can Damage Braces Components

Avoid hard-to-chew foods when wearing braces since they can get stuck and damage your appliance. Chips, ice cream, and hard food like nuts can damage components such as brackets or wires. You can enjoy most foods as usual.

However, you'll have to chop your food into smaller pieces to make chewing easier. After your braces appointment, your teeth will be sensitive. So for the first few days, stick to soups and oatmeal.

4. You'll Experience Some Discomfort When Wearing Braces

Braces treatment is generally tolerable. Most folks don't even need any painkillers. You may experience some soreness the first week after getting your braces.

Following that, you'll need routine checkups with your orthodontist every four to six weeks. You may feel sore again one to two days after your reviews. When experiencing discomfort following an adjustment, choose softer food options.

Mouth ulcers manifest in some people initially and occasionally. If you're one of these people, your orthodontist will give you wax relief to take home. Apply wax on the braces brackets to give your ulcers time to heal. You may experience more salivation than usual after the initial placement of braces, but this is only temporary.

5. Expect a Bit of a Lisp

You may get a minor lisp after getting your teeth straightened with braces. There's almost no way that having metal braces on your teeth won't affect how you talk. However, don't worry if your speech changes; you'll become used to speaking with the braces in no time. This is just part of the first steps of getting straight teeth and a beautiful smile.

6. Your Bite is Equally Important as Straight Teeth

Most people believe braces are just for aligning teeth, but they also play a critical role in improving your bite. Your smile is affected by under or overbites just as the placement of the individual teeth. This may extend your treatment's duration, but it'll be worthwhile. However, adults should generally anticipate wearing braces for three to four years, while children typically wear them for two years, according to Humana.

If you've been wondering how to achieve that perfect smile you see in Colgate adverts, braces may be just what you're looking for. However, before you can get them, there are a few things you need to know. This read will help you with that.

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