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Amazing Black Women

Dr. E. Faye Williams

Being a Black woman, I tend to have an interest in what some people say about Black women. Check Simone Biles at the Olympics! Wow! Skip to the orange man at the National Association of Black Journalists. He appeared out of place from the time he was asked the first question. He went on the attack instead of being grateful that he was even invited to be in the presence of Black women journalists.

I can’t imagine anyone of the journalists having the slightest personal interest in him. They were there for business. They were giving him an opportunity that many were not rushing to invite him on their programs or to speak at their conventions.

Unfortunately, orange man has a habit of attacking anybody who tries to get a straight answer from him. The journalists took their precious time to allow him to explain himself. While many of us were not happy that he was given precious time but wanted to be “fair” and at least present him with an opportunity to allow the crowd to hear him and ask for the support of Black people.

Instead, he questioned the intelligence of Black women—including the brilliant Black woman who is now the candidate giving him a run for his money. He had the nerve to accuse Vice-President Kamala Harris not to acknowledge her Blackness! He was reminded that Vice-

President Harris attended Howard University (Historically Black University), joined a Black women’s sorority, has lived her life as a Black woman and has never denied being Black!

I know so many people extremely qualified by education, experience and common sense who would run circles around the orange man who tried to compete with them. They don’t sit around arguing with childlike behavior, wrong information and stupid arguments.

He makes no sense in his arguments. Now that he finds himself thinking he might have to debate his presidential opponent, it’s obvious he is scared to death. It’s ironic that

Kamala is the prosecutor, and her opponent has 34 criminal convictions already! All of his bluster and insults about women he finds himself in a situation in which he is not in charge. His opponent is a brilliant Black woman, who has her facts, talent, accomplishments, and issues together.

She knows how to do research to get the right information and she knows what to do with it. He just grabs anything he hears somebody say or he just makes up something that sounds good to him, but is abhorrent to everyone else.

I cannot believe a man who grew up with every advantage in life had to steal his family’s money—even his nephew’s share who suffered a debilitating disease –and tell his relative “Let him die, and move down to Florida.” Shocking! Even poor people do what they can to assist a helpless relative.

After attending a convention where one would think he’d be happy to be given an opportunity to put his best foot forward. I’m sure he didn’t give anyone a reason to vote for him! He just accepted the invitation to show us how he really feels about us. He always thinks he’s the smartest person in the room, when in fact, he's fooling himself. He was rude to the journalists who were gracious enough to allow him to be on the stage with them.

I worked on the Shirley Chisholm team when she ran for President, and I know what a challenging time she had. She didn’t give up, and while she didn’t win that race by the number of votes, she won the hearts of so many. She serves as a role model for all women.

We tend to use our education, talent and opportunities to help others and bring them along. It’s in our nature!

Dr. E. Faye Williams is president of The Dick Gregory Society.

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