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Board of Elections Hosts Public Voter Registration Drives throughout the County 

Monroe County Board of Elections (MCBOE) will be celebrating National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, with a coordinated day of public voter registration drives all around the County. 

Our Board of Elections Staff will be located at Rochester Educational Opportunity Center (REOC) at 161 Chestnut Street from 10 am to 1 pm on September 17, 2024. From 2 pm to 5 pm on the same day, BOE staff will be registering voters at the Susan B. Anthony House and Museum located at 17 Madison Street. 

We also have partners hos ng registration drives around the community. These include the University of Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology, Nazareth University through NAZ Votes, Saint John Fisher University, Monroe Community College, and SUNY Brockport, as well as the League of Women Voters. Thank you to all of our community collaborators for helping register voters and celebrating National Voter Registration Day. 

“Please stop by, register to vote or update your registration. We will have forms and resources on hand to assist you in making a plan to vote. It couldn’t be easier to exercise this important right," said Commissioner Nicolay. 

“We want to thank our community partners for participating in National Voter Registration Day including the Rochester Educational Opportunity Center (REOC Downtown) & Susan B Anthony House and Museum,” said Commissioner Ortiz, “this would not be possible without them and others.” 

Residents can also electronically register online, at County DMV locations, and/or pick up a form at local post offices and libraries. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Monroe County Board of Elections at 585‐753‐1550 or visit us at 

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