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Breaking Bad Actor Giancarlo Esposito to give MLK Commemorative Address, February 7th

Rochester, NY — The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address, featuring award-winning actor Giancarlo Esposito, has been moved to Friday, February 7th at 5:30 in Strong Auditorium.

The event was moved from January 30th due to a scheduling conflict. Esposito, best known for his roles in Breaking Bad, The Mandalorian, and Better Call Saul, will be in conversation with Jordan Ealey, an assistant professor of Black studies, and answer quest ions from the audience. This event will also feature musical performances by University student acapella groups before the talk.

The event is co-sponsored by the Office of the President and the Office of Minority Student Affairs.

Presented annually since 2001, the public address promotes issues of diversity, freedom, civil rights, and social justice.

Updated MLK Event Details

  • Friday, February 7th, 2025

  •  5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Doors open at 4:30pm

  • University of Rochester Strong Auditorium, 417 Alumni Road, Rochester, NY 14627

To Register, Visit: event/mlk-commemorative-address-2025

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