Code of Conduct Public Hearing Public Notice

The Rochester Board of Education is hosting a Code of Conduct Public Hearing to discuss proposed changes to the District’s Code of Conduct Policy (Policy 1400) on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 beginning at 5:30 pm. This Public Hearing will take place at Central Administrative Offices, 131 West Broad Street in Conference Room 3A/B.
Interested persons may sign up to speak by noon the day of the public hearing to participate. Speakers who would like to address the Board virtually must state this when they sign up in order to receive this accommodation. Prior to the meeting, an email will be sent with a link to those speakers who signed up to participate virtually.
Anyone wishing to sign up to speak on the Code of Conduct must provide the following information: Name, Telephone Number, Email Address, Home Address, and Affiliation (student, parent, community member, or staff).
Individuals who do not reside within the City of Rochester do not have the privilege of speaking and/or submitting written comments at meetings, except when exception is granted by the chair of the meeting at which they are requesting to speak and/or written comment. This City residency requirement for speakers and written comment submissions does not apply to staff, or to individuals specifically invited by the Board.
If possible, individuals requesting an interpreter should try to sign up to speak as many days in advance as possible to allow the District time to secure an interpreter for their specific language, and should cancel requests at least 24 hours in advance if they become aware they will not require an interpreter, or will not be attending the meeting. In any event, the District will do its best to secure interpreters as necessary to facilitate communication with speakers. You may sign up to speak or submit written comments in one of two ways:
Calling 585-262-8525
Written comments will be shared with Board members, posted to the website, and accepted into the public record; however, these will not be read during the Public Hearing. All materials related to this public hearing will be accessible on the District’s BoardDocs page. Viewers may access a live stream of the public hearing on the District's YouTube or Facebook accounts and website at
More information can be found at