Dems Accused President LaMar of Partisan Spite

The Democratic Caucus called out President Sabrina LaMar and Republicans, claiming that politics and pettiness have once again taken precedence over governing and serving the community.
The battle between LaMar and the Democratic Caucus was brewing after LaMar sided with Republicans and rejected an appointment for Legislative District 17.
Legislator Maria Vecchio's unexpected resignation due to personal health issues led to the unanimous election of Roman Misula by the Irondequoit Democratic Committee to fulfill the remainder of the term. However, the approval process was halted, leading to accusations of political maneuvering and a disregard for the community's representation.
The Democratic Caucus argued that the rejection of the appointment demonstrated a prioritization of politics and pettiness over effective governance and further showed “a lack of commitment to effective governance and denied the people of Irondequoit their rightful representation in the County Legislature.”
Providing evidence of a previous appointment made by the Republicans, where the Democratic Office was notified of the vacancy and approval of the replacement within days, the Democratic Caucus alleged that the Republicans and President LaMar “are more concerned with political gamesmanship than with fulfilling their duty to the community.”
In a press release the Democratic Caucus said "The majority office rejected Legislative District 17 appointment out of partisan spite." It continues, "Three weeks ago, Legislator Maria Vecchio unexpectedly resigned from her seat as the County Legislator representing District 17 in Irondequoit. Pursuant to the Monroe County Charter and the bylaws of the Monroe County Democratic Committee, the Irondequoit Democratic Committee called a meeting on October 7th and unanimously voted to elect Roman Misula to fulfill the remainder of the term. This morning, following the vote, Chairman DeVay submitted a recommendation letter to President LaMar for her signature and approval. The approval process is simply filling out paperwork and sending it for public notice. In fact, the process is so easy, the last time the Republicans filled a vacancy, the Democratic Office was notified of the vacancy and approval of the replacement all in the very same day (see attached). The blocking of this nomination is beyond incredulous. The Republicans and President LaMar are once again showing that politics and pettiness are more important than governing and accomplishing things for our community. The people of Irondequoit deserve to have their voices heard in the County Legislature and should not be left unrepresented for even one more hour."
Democrats of Irondequoit also exposed their conflict on social media by publishing the following post, "Democrats of Irondequoit have spoken. Roman Misula must be confirmed today to represent the people of the 17th Legislative District. This is one more example of the President of the Legislature having too much power."
Hours later, the Democratic Caucus sent an updated email from LaMar approving Roman Misula's appointment to the 17th Legislative District. The appointment will be effective at 9:00 a.m. on October 11, 2023.
Ms. Vechio resigned weeks before and they sent a name the day of a meeting, they had plenty of time and did nothing about it