District Attorney Sandra Doorley Violated Several Ethical Codes
The investigation into an ethics complaint against District Attorney Sandra Doorley has been completed by the Monroe County Office of Public Integrity. The inquiry revealed that Doorley had violated several ethical codes.

Community members were outraged after Body-worn footage showed Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley misbehaving. The incident occurred on April 22 when a Webster Police officer signaled Doorley to pull over. However, she chose to continue driving until she reached her garage.
According to the investigation, Doorley had breached multiple regulations regarding county-issued vehicles. One major violation was her failure to promptly inform her fleet manager about the incident or contact them.
Janson McNair, the director of the Monroe County Office of Public Integrity, expressed his concern over the situation as it involved a department head violating the very policies they are responsible for upholding. McNair emphasized the importance of public officials acting in a manner consistent with the expectations placed upon them.
During interviews conducted by the Office of Public Integrity, several officers involved in the traffic stop confirmed that they did not observe any signs of Doorley being under the influence. They also noted that her behavior towards Officer Cameron Crisifulli was uncharacteristic.
However, the report from the Office of Public Integrity disputes this argument.
"The report states, "Even if that was her intention, or her words gave the impression that was her intention, that was not her obligation at the moment as a New York State motorist. Her legal obligation is to pull over, not to attempt to justify her own decisions."
The report's findings will be forwarded to the Monroe County Board of Ethics, which has limited authority and can only issue advisory opinions. The Office of Public Integrity also recommended that the county cooperate with a separate investigation by the state Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct.