Election 2024: What’s Really New?

I've noticed a number of news articles like this Analysis published in the New York Times, For Black Women, ‘America Has Revealed to Us Her True Self’ (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/07/us/politics/harris-black-women.html), which seem to represent valid critiques regarding the outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election. However, if we are meticulous, critical, analytical readers, and thinkers, we should easily recognize that there are some very strange elements or characteristics within such articles.
First and foremost, let's be clear about what that New York Times article means. It is a definite, accurate reference to the white-supremacist-based nature and essence of this thoroughly racist society, which also definitely was NOT just now being "revealed" in 2024. If we have been paying attention, this is something that we have always known (since it has always been the case, from the very beginning). Nothing has happened (ever) that fundamentally changed this particular reality—nothing, ever. And even if it had been a revelation, which it definitely was not, why would it have been "revealed (exclusively) for Black women", as opposed to ALL of us? So, the bottom line is that we have known about the so-called United States of "America's True Self forever. The 2024 Election is just one more reminder. That's it; that's all.
Actually, what arch-racist-sexist Trump pulled off in 2024, is NOT fundamentally different than what arch-racist-sexist Eisenhower pulled off in 1952; or what arch-racist-sexist Nixon pulled off in 1972; or what arch-racist-sexist Reagan pulled off in 1984; or what arch-racist-sexist Trump pulled of in 2016, etc..., (see reference links below). The only difference is that in 2016, the so-called "democratic" candidate was (at the time) one of the most popular white women in the country, and in 2024 the candidate was a half-Black woman who was not as popular as the 2016 candidate. Yet, both met the same general outcome, except it was much worse in the case of the half-Black woman, and hopefully no one is left wondering why.
What's really, really sad about all of this is the fact that MANY Black women, and Black men as well, are still of the mindset that they have to decide what to do with the so-called ‘United States of America’ from here on out. One would think that the need for independence would be amply clear by now. Yet, as pointed out via the above-referenced article, with regard to working toward reviving the oppressor-based, so-called "democratic" political party—in spite of the clear fact that the majority voted for white nationalism because they were worried about white privilege/status, and sent the message that a multiracial democracy is fine as long as they’re at the top. Still, MANY Black women [and Black men as well] are likely to again play a central role. That's truly amazing, especially when considering that as the Democratic Party's MOST LOYAL CONSTITUENCY, Black folks, especially and particularly Black women, supported the democratic party for nearly 90 consecutive years (with minuscule, commensurate reciprocation). This just leaves a thinker wondering how long? That is, how long will the majority of the Black electorate continue drinking the electoral kool-aid-of-white-supremacy, and clinging to the so-called democratic neo-slave-master’s-poisonous-political-coat tails? How long?
The overall political condition among Black folks (in the main), is so very sad in 2024, especially when considering all the great teachers that we have had through the decades and centuries who have tried so hard to help us understand the importance and significance of becoming more politically-mature and independent. Yet, many continue (even in 2024) holding on to that old, slavish, lesser-of-two-damn-evils, sick mentality.
Dr. Joy DeGruy teaches about ‘Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome’ (PTSS), and ‘vacant esteem’ (see link below). The overall reality outlined above is by far one of the worst manifestations of PTSS.
We know that the Black, political mis-leadership class will try to convince our people (many of whom are quite gullible) that our only viable choice or hope is to turn to the obviously racist so-called "democratic" party, because (let them tell it) we have to be afraid of boogie-man-Trump—as if overall socioeconomic, sociopolitical, sociocultural conditions for the MASSES of our people have been any different under Biden than they were under Trump. They have not; not at all; not one iota.
If nothing else, hopefully the 2024 election will inspire Black people to think seriously about the reality that time has come (actually, quite a while ago) for us to stop being slavish and narrow minded, and open our minds up to new horizons. Let’s stop being stuck in a nearly 90-year-old malaise, and continuing to chase a damn racist donkey that just keeps kicking most of us squarely in the face right after each election.
Indeed, it's past time for Black folks to think very, very seriously about creating a new, fundamentally different, deadly-serious, independent political reality.
The Struggle Continues...
~ Howard Eagle is a longtime educator and local anti-racism advocate, known for his campaigns for the Rochester school board and prolific political and social commentary. Eagle taught social studies in the RCSD for 23 years, before retiring in 2010, and was an adjunct professor in the Department of African American Studies at SUNY Brockport for 19 years before retiring in 2020.
· https://artsandculture.google.com/story/1984-reagan-s-landslide-victory-u-s-national-archives/4AUR_JXt70iELw?hl=en