Foodlink’s Curbside Market to Host 10-Year Anniversary Celebration

Foodlink’s Curbside Market, a mobile fresh produce and grocery resource that provides affordable and convenient access to healthy foods, is celebrating its 10-year anniversary on Fri., Jul. 28, 2023 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. at 2011 Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester, N.Y.
For the past ten years, Curbside Market trucks have been open to the public, making stops at affordable housing sites, senior centers, health clinics, and community centers.
“We believe that everyone deserves access to fresh foods, regardless of your budget or where you live,” the Foodlink website states.
Payment for items purchased can be made with cash, debit, credit, SNAP, Fresh Connect checks, FMNP (WIC and Senior) and eWIC at select locations, according to Foodlink’s website.
Curbside Market’s ten years of operation in Rochester’s communities seems to demonstrate a commitment to minimizing the impact of food deserts and scarcity.
Before the celebration on Friday morning, Curbside Market vehicles will be on parade around Rochester, and from 12:15 to 1 p.m. Foodlink officials and local leaders will talk about the Curbside Market’s impact on the community since its 2013 launch.
Attendees at this event will include Mayor Malik Evans, County Executive Adam Bello, New York State representatives, Foodlink customers, staff, volunteers, and community partners.