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Frights and Fun at Edgerton R-Center’s Spooktacular Haunted House This Weekend!

Writer's picture: City of RochesterCity of Rochester

Calling on Rochester’s children and families! Test your nerve against the chilling, thrilling, extravaganza of fright and fun that will descend upon the shadowy corners of Edgerton R-Center’s Spooktackular Haunted House!


From witches' dens to Dr. Frankenstein's lab, to eerie ghosts and goblins, this phantasmic fun will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 28 and Tuesday, Oct 29.


Children and families who dare to brave the Spooktackular Haunted House will forego the safety of numbers as they explore otherworldly halls of Edgerton in groups of five or fewer and collect candy and treats along the way. Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to appease the mischievous spirits who take up residence in the Edgerton R-Center with each year’s approach of the holiday.


Tickets are $5 cash per person at the door. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.


For more information, contact Maria Suarez at (585) 428-6769 or


Stay safe while trick-or-treating with these Halloween tips!

  • Always trick-or-treat with an adult.

  • Carry a flashlight.

  • Walk, never run or dart into the street.

  • Wear bright, reflective costumes that don’t drag to avoid tripping.

  • Stick to sidewalks, cross at corners, and look both ways before crossing the street.

  • Put away phones while walking.

  • Only visit well-lit houses.

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Minority Reporter (MR) is a local community newspaper covering news and issues relevant to the Rochester, NY community. MR is committed to fostering self awareness, building community and empowering people of color to reach their greatest potential. Further, MR seeks to present a balanced view of relevant issues, utilizing its resources to build bridges among diverse populations; taking them from information to understanding.


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