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Grand Jury Lets the Police Walk Concerning the Killing of Jayland Walker

Jayland Walker

A Special Ohio Grand jury failed to indict eight Akron police officers who fired 46 shots at Jayland Walker, a delivery driver, as he ran for his life in a hail of bullets before he died.

The toxicology screen was negative for drugs or alcohol, according to the Summit County Medical Examiner Lisa J. Kohler, M.D.

The medical examiner did not have gunshot residue because it could not be determined whether the person, Walker, did not fire a weapon.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said Walker was driving before he jumped out of his car. Yost said he made a threat, before leading to the shooting. A gun was found in his car and next to a wedding ring.

The cops fired a total of 94 shots at Walker in 6.7 seconds. The eight officers have not been named but they have resumed desk duties.

Walker was hit in the heart, neck and lung, liver, spleen, left kidney, intestines, and multiple ribs. He also was shot in the knees, right lower leg, and right foot.

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