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How Can I Take Care of My Parents As They Get Older in Rochester?

Ashley Curtis

Whether your aging parents are financially ready for retirement isn't the issue. It takes more than just money to keep them comfortable. Help or companionship when moving around is essential, too. Decide whether you want to do this in their home or bring them to your home or one of Rochester's home care centers. Whatever you choose, caring for your aging parents comes with many demands. Here's how you can take care of your aging parents:

1. Ask How They Would Like to Be Treated as They Age

Talk to them to establish if they have a specific arrangement on how to spend the rest of their lives. How would they want you to support them should age affect their physical or mental wellness?

The NCAO report indicates that older persons are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease. Close to 95% of older adults suffer from at least one chronic condition, while almost 80% suffer from two or more chronic conditions. Discuss their wishes to understand how to support them as they age, especially if they get ill.

2. Come Up With a Financial Plan for Them

If they don't have one, draft a financial plan for your parents. The plan should cover all eventualities, including caring for them if they become incapacitated. Ask them how they'd like to handle their finances should they be unable to do it themselves, perhaps due to a debilitating illness. Luckily, there are reliable financial advisors in Rochester who can give you further guidance on this.

In case they're incapacitated, find out the state of their bills and determine how you can help them pay them on time to avoid disruption of services. If they haven't talked to a financial advisor yet, advise them to do so.

Discuss with them their last wish plans. Have they engaged an estate attorney about their wealth? How would they want their estate distributed in case of incapacitation or death? A Legal Zoom report says that 77% of adult Americans believe that everyone is a candidate for estate planning, irrespective of how much they earn.

3. Plan for Their Health Care

Preventing illnesses and having a treatment plan are integral to caring for your old parents. Know what conditions are favorable to them, so you can avoid places that affect their health. Aging parents need frequent visits to the doctor, even if it's just for routine check-ups.

Hire a health caregiver to check on them routinely. Ensure they're treated as soon as they fall sick. With age, some allergies get worse. Get a nutritionist to establish if they are allergic to foods and ensure they avoid them.

If you'll care for them in your home, keep the environment clean. Ensure all waste is properly disposed of to avoid conflicts with Rochester law enforcers. A Sharps Medical Waste Services report reveals that failure to comply with pharmaceutical regulations for hazardous waste can lead to a maximum fine of $37,500.

4. Talk With Family Members

Caring for aging parents isn't a one-person's responsibility. Arrange a meeting with other family members to discuss how you can share those responsibilities. Don't carry the burden alone if other family members can assist.

You should discuss how you'll be alternating visits and who will be responsible for what. Occasionally, plan for the entire family to have dinner with your aging parents. You can also volunteer to drive your parents around occasionally. It's unhealthy to carry the burden of caring for your aging parents alone. Let every family member share the responsibility.

5. Give Them the Best Live Now

Do everything to make your aging parents enjoy their last lane of life to the maximum. Don't ignore health, safety, and environmental measures. Keep them happy and avoid stressing them with your issues.

Spend considerable time with them, but try not to be alone in this. Joke with them, go fishing, take them to see new things in Rochester, etc. Don't assume they're too old to have fun. There are many things they're excited about. Yes, they may be weak and sickly with age, but if you treat them with love and understanding, they'll live their best life now.

Taking care of aging parents is quite a challenge. It's likely to interfere with normal schedules, especially since the children are all grown and in the prime of their lives by this time. Keep these tips in mind to care for your parents the way they've always cared for you.

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