Local Organization Continues its Advocacy for City Residents in Opposition of Recent City-Wide Residential Property Assessments

Uniting and Healing Through Hope of Monroe County said the organization will continue their ongoing efforts to fight violence in the community. Harris says housing instability and financial hardships that residents experience drive the violence and crime happening.
The organization will be joined by community leaders, local church leaders, police agencies, and local concerned citizens to oppose the recent city-wide property reassessments.
"We are already in the worst Real Estate; crises Rochester has ever seen in my lifetime and if we as a community do not stop this reassessment the City Real Estate Market will collapse," says Harris. "As you know, Rochester is one of the poorest cities in the nation. People are paying 30,40,50,60+ percent of their Household income to rent. Where they were paying $500-$600 for a one bedroom for rent now they are paying $800-$1,000 in some of the poorest areas. Two- and three-bedroom apartments are now paying $1200-$2,500 in some of the poorest areas."
How to Help: Volunteers are needed to assist our residents in challenging their assessment. Sign-up on our website: https://unitingthroughhope.com
How we can help you: Attend our upcoming community meetings to voice your opinion and learn how to challenge your assessment.
"We have more homelessness in Monroe County/City of Rochester than we have ever had, Harris said. "Home prices are already through the stratosphere and if we allow things to continue to spiral out of control, we will have not just a Real Estate Crises but a Total Real Estate Collapse!!!”
The meeting dates, places and times are listed as follows:
Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 7:00PM at Ark Of the Covenant Church-60 Lorimer St.
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 7:00PM at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church-141 Adams St.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 7:00PM at Antioch Baptist Church-304 Joseph Ave.
Thursday, February 1, 2024, 7:00PM at Bethel Christian Fellowship Church-321 East Ave.
More information can be found on our website: unitingthroughhope.com or by contacting us at 585-789-1495