Mayor Evans Urges Motorists to Drive Safely This Winter

There were more than 100 accidents in the city of Rochester during the area’s last snowfall, November 28. Mayor Malik D. Evans urged motorists to use caution as the wintry weather arrives in Rochester.
“Rochester is one of the snowiest cities in the country so we can’t forget how important it is to adjust our driving behaviors as the temperatures drop,” said Evans. “Slow down so that you have enough room to stop; don’t follow too closely, give plow and salt trucks a lot of room to operate. These basic cold weather driving habits could save your life or someone else’s.”
The Mayor reminded residents that many people are outside walking and taking the bus throughout the city and that driving with excessive speed in snowy and icy conditions poses a significant safety hazard.
“One out of four people in the city don’t have a car,” continued Mayor Evans. “Please be patient and allow yourself extra time to get to school and work during your morning and evening commutes so that we can all get where we need to safely.”
The City deploys snow plows on residential streets when three inches of new snow have fallen and sidewalks are plowed when four inches of snow are expected to accumulate. During snowfall, main streets (arterials) are continually plowed. Arterials and certain roadways (schools, bus routes, bridges, hills, etc.) are treated with salt. Residents can find out when their street will be plowed using the City’s PlowTrax web application at When it snows more than three inches, the PlowTrax map tracks the progress of City plows and is updated every five minutes.
Evans also reminds property owners to clear the sidewalks adjacent to their property as required by City Code and to help their neighbors who are unable to shovel. It is prohibited to plow or shovel snow from private property onto a city street or sidewalk. While private property owners clear around their properties, City and contractor snowplows clear more than 800 miles of sidewalks in downtown and commercial corridors, which take approximately five to six hours once deployed.
It is critical for motorists who park on the street to observe the posted alternate-side parking regulations during snowfall events to allow plows to efficiently keep the roads clear. Just one car parked on the wrong side of the street can pose a substantial impediment to snowplows.
During weather events, the 911 and 311 call centers see a high call volume. Citizens are reminded to only call 911 for police, fire or ambulance services. Call 311 for questions about City services.
For more information on the City’s snow removal policies and procedures, visit: www.CityofRochester.Gov/rocsnow.