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Mayor Extends Local State of Emergency Due to Continued Gun Violence

Image By vecstock

City of Rochester Mayor Malik D. Evans issued a continuance of the series of proclamations made under executive order geared toward addressing on-going gun violence on November 13, 2023.

The newly-extended “state of emergency” expires on December 13, 2023.

Evans’ current emergency proclamation states (among other things) that as of Nov. 13, 2023, there have been 258 shooting victims in calendar year 2023 and 339 shooting victims in calendar year 2022.

Evans’ new State of Emergency proclamation also states that “as of November 13, 2023, there have been 47 city homicides, and there were 76 homicides in calendar year 2022.

This executive action is undertaken by Evans “to address the threat that gun violence poses to the health and welfare of city of Rochester residents and visitors.”

Evans first local gun violence executive order emergency proclamation was issued on July 22, 2022, and it was reinstated upon its expiration, as has been done with each successively issued related proclamation upon their expiration.

Mayoral power to declare such a state of emergency is granted under NYS Executive Law Section 24, which says that “upon a finding by the [local] chief executive thereof that the public safety is imperiled thereby, such chief executive may proclaim a local state of emergency within any part or all of the territorial limits of such local government.”

In the absence of re-issuance (or renewal) the current state of emergency automatically expires within 30 days of issuance by the mayor.

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07. Dez. 2023

I wonder what the common denominator be

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