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Mayors for Peace Art Competition 2023 Celebrates Local Young Artists

Mayor Malik D. Evans joined Youth Voice One Vision (YVOV) program administrators and members hosted the 2023 Mayors for Peace Art Competition reception at the Link Gallery to honor the creative talents of several local young artists on October 26, 2023.

Mayors for Peace is a consortium of 8,200 member cities in 166 countries and regions around the world whose mission is the attainment of lasting world peace. Each year, Mayors for Peace holds a children’s art competition for youth ages 6 to 15.

Rochester Mayors for Peace representatives say ten art pieces from Rochester will be selected to move forward to compete in the International Mayors for Peace Competition in Hiroshima, Japan, for the Mayors for Peace President’s Award.

“In a world that sometimes feels a bit mixed up, our youth are showing us how to make it better and more peaceful,” Evans said to the youth artists and their families at the reception. “I’m proud that Rochester is one of the member cities of the Mayors for Peace Initiative, a foundation that promotes peace education.

Congratulations to all our participants and thank you for sharing your vision of peace with us.”

The local children’s artwork will remain up in the Link Gallery, through the month of November 2023.

Link Gallery is located at 30 Church Street, 1st Floor of City Hall in the corridor connecting Building A to Building B.

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