Memorial Day Parade to Affect Traffic on Monday

Rochester’s Memorial Day Parade will kick off at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, May 29.
The parade will begin at the intersection of East Avenue and Alexander Street, proceed westbound on East Avenue to Main Street, then westbound on Main Street to St. Paul Street where the parade will disband.
The parade route will be closed to traffic at 10 a.m. and will reopen after the parade is completed, around 1 p.m. Staging streets will be closed to traffic from approximately 8:30 to 11 a.m. with staggered openings as participants enter the parade.
The following streets will be closed for parade staging areas:
East Avenue between Alexander Street and Arnold Park
Sibley Place at East Avenue
Meigs Street between Park Avenue and East Avenue
Arnold Park from East Avenue to Park Avenue
Strathallan Park from East Avenue to University Avenue
Prince Street between East Avenue and College Avenue
RTS Riders: For more information, detour routes and Downtown boarding locations, please call customer service at 288-1700 or visit
The Memorial Day Parade is sponsored by the Veterans Memorial Executive Council.
Contact, for additional information.