Monroe County Offices Open Monday, July 22, 2024

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced today that Monroe County offices and services will be open and operational Monday, July 22, 2024, following last Friday’s global CrowdStrike/Windows outage which shut down many county services and closed county offices. The outage impacted some 3,500 county devices, computers and servers, each requiring a manual procedure to bring back online.
Since Friday, Monroe County Information Systems (IS) has brought about 75% of the devices online with a focus on essential areas including 9-1-1, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and services and functions relating to public safety, public health and human services.
The Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport is open, but people should check their flights for any cancelations or delays. The Board of Elections, Office of the District Attorney, County Courts, all DMV and County Clerk functions are operational.
All county employees should report to work as usual on Monday. Monroe County IS will remedy the remaining devices affected by the CrowdStrike outage in the coming days.