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New York GOP Lawmakers: Hochul’s Budget is Irresponsible

Writer: Tyronda JamesTyronda James

New York State Senate Republican Conference Photo: January, 2023

New York Senate Republicans are highlighting Governor Hochul’s budges as “fiscally irresponsible and uncontrolled spending."

As part of their “Rescue New York” agenda, released in January, the Senate GOP rolled out their “affordability initiatives” today and say they are committed to taking actions to create “A More Affordable New York.”.

The Senate Republican Conference is specifically calling for the rejection of several items contained in Hochul’s 2023-2024 Executive Budget proposal. The items include:

1. Eliminating enhanced Medicaid payments to local governments, which would create enormous pressure to increase local property taxes;

2. Increasing unemployment insurance taxes on already struggling small businesses and farms; and

3. Directing hundreds of millions of dollars in state funding into New York City to pay for the settlement of illegal immigrants.

“Enacting these proposals would only worsen New York’s affordability crisis, State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C-Big Flats) said.

O'mara said the Republican "Rescue New York" agenda would:

1. Eliminate costly unfunded state mandates that drive up local property taxes;

2. Protect businesses from unemployment insurance tax hikes by creating an Unemployment Insurance Solvency Reserve Fund and repealing the interest assessment surcharge, which is the assessment on businesses to pay back the UI Trust Fund’s deficit; and

3. Provide relief from rapidly rising energy costs, including home heating expenses.

"Albany Democrats readily acknowledge the affordability crisis causing the exodus of citizens to more affordable states, however the Democrats can’t give up increasing handouts to their base. They have no interest in reining in out-of-control spending, eliminating taxes, lowering costs, cutting burdensome regulations and mandates, or restoring public safety,” O’Mara said.

“We need to rescue New York by restoring the right priorities, rebuilding stronger and safer communities, and working toward a more responsible and sustainable future for middle-class communities, families, workers, businesses, industries, and taxpayers."

“We are here today to show New Yorkers that there are people in Albany who hear them. We have actionable, achievable solutions to make our state more affordable again. The policies coming from the Hochul Administration and her allies on the left aren’t just wrong, they are irresponsibly out of touch with reality and they’re driving people out of the state,” Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt said.

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