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PAB Town Hall Meeting

Writer: Shanique ByrdShanique Byrd

Join the Police Accountability Board for a crucial town hall meeting to delve into the latest Juvenile Use of Force Report. This report, released in February, scrutinized the use of force by Rochester Police Officers on youth in the city.

Shockingly, the report revealed that 80% of juveniles subjected to force were Black, with the majority being male. This alarming data will be discussed by community leaders at the event, shedding light on what it means for Rochester's youth and how we can move forward from here.

The town hall will take place on Thursday, March 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 245 E. Main Street. For those unable to attend in person, the event will be live-streamed on the PAB's Facebook and YouTube channels. Action for a Better Community will be moderating the discussion, with panelists from The Urban League of Rochester, the Father Tracy Advocacy Center, and The Center for Teen Empowerment.

Space is limited, so RSVP by emailing or visiting ROCPAB.ORG/Get-Involved. You can also reserve your spot using this link: For further inquiries, contact PAB Communications Manager Vanessa J. Cheeks at

Established in 2019, the Police Accountability Board states its goal is to bring transparency and accountability to the Rochester Police Department. By investigating reports of alleged police misconduct, proposing policy changes, and building trust between the community and law enforcement through education, the PAB is committed to ensuring public accountability and transparency in the actions of Rochester Police Department officers.

To learn more and become involved, visit

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