Portion of Elm Street Closed to Motorists and Pedestrians
City of Rochester Motorist & Pedestrian Advisory

A portion of Elm Street Downtown—between Atlas Street and Chestnut Street—is closed to all motorist and pedestrian traffic until further notice. Also closed is the sidewalk and parking lane along the southbound lane of Chestnut Street, between Euclid Street and E. Broad Street.
The City Engineer ordered the closures due to the presence of loose materials presenting safety hazards on the exteriors of the Cadillac Hotel building at 45-51 Chestnut St., and at the Richford building, 65-67 Chestnut St.
The City has been actively working with the property owners to support their efforts to redevelop these historic Downtown buildings.
However, given the persistent public safety issues, the City is now requiring the building owners to alleviate the hazards in the coming days and provide a licensed engineer report stating that all hazards have been mitigated. The street and sidewalks will remain closed until the City is assured of the safety of the structures.