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Prior Felon Sentenced to More Than 24 Years in Prison on New Child Pornography Charge

BUFFALO, N.Y.-U.S. Attorney Trini E. Ross announced today that Christopher Gostick, 30, of Lancaster, NY, who was convicted of receipt of child pornography by a person having a prior conviction relating to possession of child pornography, was sentenced to serve 292 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Douglas A. C. Penrose, who handled the case, stated that on June 9 and 10, 2023, Gostick attended a sleepover birthday party, during which he kissed a minor victim (Minor Victim 1), who was nine years old, on the lips. Minor Victim 1 told her parents, which resulted in police officers responding to the residence and taking possession of cellular telephones and a tablet that belonged to Gostick. A review of one of the cellphones uncovered a surreptitiously recorded video of Minor Victim 1 using the bathroom. In addition to the video of Minor Victim 1, law enforcement also found on Gostick’s other cellphone a screen recording of a Snapchat conversation between Gostick and a second minor victim (Minor Victim 2), who was 10 years old at the time. During that conversation, Gostick, who was posing as an 11-year-old female, instructed Minor Victim 2 to send him a sexually explicit video, which Minor Victim 2 did. A review of Gostick’s devices also recovered approximately 613 images and two videos containing child pornography. Previously, in August 2019, Gostick was convicted on a state charge of Attempted Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child Less than 16.

The sentencing is the result of an investigation by Homeland Security Investigations, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Erin Keegan, and the Buffalo Police Department, under the direction of Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia.

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