Roman Putting Barnhart on Blast for “Mean-spirited” Text

Is Yversha Roman fit to serve as president of the Monroe County Legislature? Well, Rachel Barnhart doesn't think so.
According to text messages released on social media, an internal beef is brewing between legislators Yversha Roman and Rachel Barnhart.
The catty clan are at odds over who will lead the legislature next year. The inside fighting comes just weeks before Sabrina LaMar, the current president of the Monroe County Legislature, term ends. LaMar was defeated by Rose Bonnick during the primary election.
Now, Roman is gearing up to take the lead. However, Barnhart has been less than supportive. On December 14, Roman published a series of text messages she claimed were sent to her by Rachel Barnhart. The first text message reads:
"Good morning
I met with yudelson last night. I don't see a path forward for you. I will not vote for you. Neither will Mercedes. And the old guys definitely will not-they are actually using your weak leadership to make excuses about why they're going to do a deal with the GOP.
The sooner you step aside the sooner we can find a compromise to take on Michael and stop the deal.
Do it for the good of the caucus.
For Dems.
Nothing will happen Saturday. Michael made that clear. No leadership positions will be elected. We can't until we do president.
Once you step aside I have thoughts on how to stop Michael. But until you realize you're part of the problem-we can't move forward."
The indelicate text message was delivered three years after Barnhart supported Roman replacing Vince Felder as the Minority Leader. In 2020, Barnhart was among 9 of the 14 members of the Democratic caucus who chose Yversha Roman to be Minority Leader.
Now, Roman has "weak leadership" according to Barnhart.
Barnhart’s verbal attack against Roman continues, "I'm being honest. That's not antics. I owe you nothing-don't you dare put that burden on me.
You can't get to 15. It's over. There is nothing to discuss with someone that won't be president."
Roman, who is Hispanic appears to believe Barnhart's actions are racially motivated. She released the following statement:
"As many of you know, I have the support of 14 of my colleagues to become the next President of the Legislature.
One thing I told myself, is that it's important to speak up, I often remain silent for the team. Yet, the community must be aware of the struggles I am facing as I seek to do what is right and collaborate with my colleagues. I have worked tirelessly for our community and party. This is hard work, every other hour my leadership is questioned, and my intentions are attacked but, I still persist. I understand these spaces are not made for someone like me but, together we will shatter ceilings. I fight so that in the future it becomes easier for the next leader.
Therefore, before the story is told for me, I will tell it here. Let’s start on December 4th, I received the text below. It's what most women face, the reality of doing the work and then being told they are not enough or the problem.
As you can see, I was told to step aside, told to understand I was the problem. To do the "math," nevertheless, I persisted. And, all the negativity, hurt and pressure of that text did not come true. 14 Democrats collaborated, we had difficult conversations, but came out together, ready to do more work. I am humbled by that reality and support.
I have thought long and hard about having to share this or anything else but, enough is enough and unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Democrats are seeking a solution, and with pride, I continue to seek the Presidency.
This is for every leader seeking to do the right thing among individuals who seek to tear you down. Keep going anyway.
I will keep fighting. Our community deserves it, many are hopeful for the Majority, and I am quickly learning that here I am NOT the problem. Please stand with me in seeking historic, unfiltered, and powerful Leadership. Doing it my way.
More to come”
We will continue to monitor this situation. But we'd like to know what you think. Should Yversha step aside or is Rachel just a mean girl? Write your comments below.
I could care less about their so-called "Democratic" Party squabbles. If we don't know by now that Democans & Republicrats (locally, regionally, and nationally) are two sides of the very same corrupt, political coin (the wolf & the fox) --- then we're straight-up hopeless. In fact, I was still looking forward to your new, independent, political coalition, but guess that's not happening? To tell you the truth, I can't see where any of them have been effective. I'm still stuck on the extremely deafening silence, especially from Black folks at 39 West Main Street; 30 Church Street, and 100 S Mall Arterial --- regarding the following >>>
The Wolf or the Fox? by Malcolm X