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Tell Me That Again!

Tell Me That Again!

We’ve had to do a lot of listening lately about choices we must make about who’ll be our next President when 2025 rolls around. Single women should be having children if we want to have something to do about the future of our nation! That’s what J.D. Vance said! We don’t know what the orange man thinks about that or should we just assume he’ll tell us on his first day in office?

Many believe the orange man was really injured enough to wear that big pad on his ear that could have been covered by a band aid! I’m still trying to figure out how he really got that little scar! I think he wears the pad for sympathy! It’s hard enough to believe his ear was pierced by a young man who couldn’t shoot straight enough to even get into a gun training session in school! I wasn’t at the Republican convention, but I’m having a hard time believing the same man who was such a bad shooter that he tragically killed one man and injured two others near the orange man was the same one who hit just the tip of his ear.

Let’s look at the Secret Service as they tried to protect the orange man while he continued to pop his head up so we could see his fist pump into the air (which by the way is a symbol we Black people use to express our determination to fight against racism.) I may be wrong, but I find it hard to believe anyone in his right mind would just not want to be protected by holding his head down so as not to make it easy for the shooter!

I was impressed by the Secret Service’s quick response as they risked their lives to save the orange man. He should be grateful for the female Secret Service woman who rushed up to make him stop popping his head up so they could get him down the stairs to the safety of the limo waiting to take him away.

For those complaining about the women, they’re the ones who quickly took measures to get him into the limo instead of allowing him to showboat further putting himself and them in more danger. The three female agents stood by the door of the limo risking their lives to save him. They closed the door as he resisted and kept him safe as the male agents walked away. I resent criticism of agents just because they are women, but when you consider how orange man and his VP teach people to disrespect women, they should consider themselves lucky the women agents were there, and it’s horrible the way the female Director of the Secret Service was treated causing her to resign before she completed her study of the matter.

Mark Pocan said in essence: Selection of J.D. Vance as his running mate is the latest blaring sign that if Trump retakes the White House and has a Republican Congress, he’ll pursue an extreme agenda that leaves Americans with fewer rights, worse healthcare access and a higher cost of living—not to mention a loss of freedom.

You know orange man’s positions on issues, but take a look at what JD Vance, Trump’s selection for VP believes in: 1. national abortion ban with no exceptions, 2. stay in abusive marriages for the sake of children, 3. universal child care is a “war against normal people”! Don’t forget his voting record where he failed to stand with striking autoworkers last year and advocated for cuts to Social Security.

Consider working for and voting for those who’ve shown they’ll work for your best interests. Next time to do that is November 5, 2024. You know how to vote—so VOTE!

~ Dr. E. Faye Williams, President of The Dick Gregory Society.

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