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The Real Victory!

My article won’t tell you today how political races across the country will turn out on November 5th because I am required to turn it in on the Friday before the big day. As I write, we are still waiting for the victory, but I will tell you how it should come out at the top of the ticket.

There can be no doubt that Vice-President Kamala Harris should be President of the United States as you read this later or as you hear who the winner is on November 5, 2024! The real victory should go to the best candidate!

Whatever you learn once the election is over, I am going to tell you who and why Kamala should win the race for President because she was the only person who should even have been a candidate in the race!

I don’t know about others, but every single person of color, every woman, every person of goodwill, every working person, every person with good sense (without regard to Party), every person who supports our democracy, every person who cares what their children’s future will look like, every person who knows there was no comparison between the two candidates, every honest person, every non-racist person, every non-sexist person,  every person who has knowledge of the race knows Kamala Harris should be called Madam President when it’s over.

Kamala ran a flawless race.  She offered a program to heal many of our problems in the coming days. She promised to already have her “To Do List” when she walks into the Oval Office of the White House.  Her opponent had already told us he would have his “Hit List” of those he considered his enemies.

One would think that those who couldn’t see and support the far superior candidate had on blinders, and because of their own inability to discern the candidate best prepared, best educated, best experienced, and greatest concerned about the people than about herself, should be President of the United States today.

No matter how this race turns out, every little girl can grow up knowing she has a shot at becoming President because the leading women who dared to run for President, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, former First Lady and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Vice-President Kamala Harris, made us proud.

Donald Trump has been going after things over his head all of his life by lying, cheating and bullying people far smarter than he would ever be. Whatever the results are the day after election day, we will be convinced that we’ve seen a woman coming out of the race showing the world who deserved to win, who worked hardest and I pray it’s obvious that Kamala Harris is the victor, while her opponent is still vowing that he wants to say and do whatever he wants to say and do about women whether we like it or not!  We can’t say he didn’t tell us that women should be punished for having control of our bodies and our lives! He wants to be our protector now as we look back at the vulgar things he has said and been convicted of doing to so many women!

For those who didn’t see and support the genius of Kamala Harris, I wonder if Trump even knows he was never fit to lead this nation. It was never more obvious who the superior candidate was for President. There were voters who didn’t have the courage to support the very best candidate for the country they claim to love!  I wonder if Trump was even capable of knowing some people voted for him only because they were intimidated by him while being embarrassed by his behavior.  I wonder if he even knows he in no way came close to being the superior candidate in the race. That was always Kamala Harris.

Dr. E. Faye Williams is President of The Dick Gregory Society.

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