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Town of Brighton Assisting Tenants Facing Eviction

The Town of Brighton introduced the Landlord Tenant Project, a program to assist tenants facing eviction and landlords dealing with defaults. Organizers confirmed unrepresented tenants facing eviction will receive free legal aid from JustCause (formerly Volunteer Legal Services) pro-bono attorneys. Monroe County tenants appearing in court will also be met and screened for additional housing and SNAP food benefits provided by Monroe County.

Organizers confirmed the primary goal of this initiative is to streamline court proceedings while ensuring that necessary resources are available to those in need. By offering swift resolution for all litigants before the Court, they say it aims to transform the Court into a center of community intervention that guarantees efficient justice for all.

Data shows 42% of its housing is rentals and remains particularly vulnerable to eviction issues in the post-pandemic era. Reports state, that tenants involved in eviction proceedings were left to navigate the process on their own, while landlords faced extended vacancies and impending foreclosures. They believe the Landlord Tenant Project addresses these challenges head-on by directly bringing pro-bono attorneys into court, eliminating the need for tenants to take time off work or arrange for childcare. Furthermore, the project provides tenants with access to food and housing resources, assisting both landlords and tenants in resolving their disputes.

Organizers say what sets this project apart is its unique approach to tackling food and housing insecurity simultaneously, recognizing the strong connection between the two. "By supporting the Landlord Tenant Project, we are meeting community members where they are and delivering vital services directly to those in need," said Monroe County Executive Adam Bello. "Offering free legal aid and immediate access to housing and food benefits for tenants facing eviction helps ensure stability and support during challenging times. This initiative, made possible by the efforts of the Town of Brighton and Justice Vik Vilkhu, reflects our commitment to fostering a community where everyone can thrive. It exemplifies proactive and compassionate governance in action."

Senator Jeremy Cooney also commended the Landlord Tenant Project, emphasizing its importance in addressing housing insecurities faced by renters and the challenges experienced by landlords dealing with extended vacancies. "I applaud the Town of Brighton and Justice Vilkhu for spearheading a program that takes a multifaceted approach to meet a community need. By connecting residents to community resources, this program helps alleviate financial and emotional strain."

Brighton Supervisor Bill Moehle expressed his appreciation for the program, highlighting its holistic approach in addressing housing and nutrition insecurity, which is unique to our area. He extended his gratitude to Judge Vilkhu and Monroe County for taking the lead in addressing these critical issues.

Organizers assert the Landlord Tenant Project is an initiative that brings together various stakeholders to create a stronger and more supportive community. They say they are committed to providing the necessary resources and assistance to ensure that all residents of Brighton have access to justice, stability, and support during these challenging times.


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