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Two RCSD Students Recognized with “Do the Right Thing” Awards


Two Rochester City School District (RCSD) students have recently been recognized with “Do the Right Thing” awards for their positive behavior, accomplishments, and good deeds.

Photos of RCSD “Do the Right Thing” awards students.

Xzaveon Alfonso, a 9th-grade student at Northeast College Preparatory High School, was nominated by his 8th-grade social studies teacher at John Williams School No. 5 for his courageous actions. Xzaveon heard about a potentially dangerous situation in school and immediately let an adult know who could handle the situation. Xzaveon’s courage to stand up helped keep classmates and the school community safe.

Morgan Grandberry, a graduate of Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School Commencement Academy, was nominated last school year by a College Access Counselor at Monroe Community College for the motivation, drive, and good attitude she displayed throughout high school. While a student at Wilson, Morgan served as a student leader, where she planned online activities and events and taught younger students, in English and Spanish, about healthy food and activity choices. Morgan has recently volunteered at Foodlink and has assisted at supply distribution events at MCC as she pursues her degree in nursing.

The goal of the “Do the Right Thing” program is to foster positive relationships between the Rochester Police Department and community youth.

The program rewards students who strive to make good choices, do well in school, give back to their communities, or demonstrate a turnaround or improved behavior.

For more information or to nominate a child, visit

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