Who Told The Better Lies During the Presidential Debate?

Prior to the 9/10/24 Harris/Trump Presidential debate, I had seen several Facebook posts, in which people were saying things like: "It's almost time for the debate, let's see who tells the better lies."
I do believe it's pretty clear that Donald Trump definitely told the MOST, BIG LIES, including the following:
Harris "is Marxist." That's almost laughable, especially when considering the indisputable fact that, just like him, she's a hard-core CAPITALIST, period.
“If Harris wins the Election Israel won't exist in 2 years." This dude is out of his ever-loving-mind. Just as Harris said during the debate, she will ALWAYS make sure Israel has whatever it needs to defend itself, e.g., billions-upon-billions of dollars worth of weapons-of-mass-destruction. She tried to temper her comments by talking about a so-called "two-state solution," and the right of the Palestinian people to live in peace. Yet she DID NOT SAY THAT SHE WOULD MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO HELP PALESTINIANS DEFEND THEMSELVES. She knows very well that one thing—which will definitely keep her out of the WHITE House FOREVER—is if she offends Israel. Thus, as far as I'm concerned her super-hyper rhetoric about a so-called "two-state solution," and the right of the Palestinian people to live in peace, is just that, super-hyper, meaningless rhetoric, period.
Harris plans to "confiscate everybody's guns." How ludicrous! Dude really was grasping for straws. EVERYONE knows that if the U.S. government wants a revolution on its hands (for real), all it needs to do is attempt to confiscate LEGAL GUN-OWNERS GUNS!!!
The following was clearly THE BIGGEST, the sickest, most diabolical LIE. Trump actually repeated a claim that both he and his sick vice-presidential running-mate had made prior to the debate—that "Haitian immigrants are abducting and eating people's pets in Springfield, Ohio" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Springfield+Ohio+and+the+KKK&rlz=1C1JZAP_enUS1054US1054&oq=Springfield+Ohio+and+the+KKK&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTExMzUxajBqN6gCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 ).
I suppose this sick assertion stands to reason, right??? Afterall, Haitians are from one of those "shithole" countries, correct???
I'm sure Harris told her share of lies as well. One in particular that she repeated several times, which really got under my skin is the outstandingly blatant LIE that as so-called 'Americans,' "we ALL have so much more in common than what separates us." That's just a great, BIG, fat, lie, and we KNOW who (specifically) she is playing to when she states it (repeatedly). I don't know about y'all, but I find it offensive!!!
A most troubling aspects of the entire, roughly one-and-a-half hour debacle was that they seemed to have spent less than 5 minutes discussing one of the nation's oldest, most deep-seated, pervasive, volatile, and potentially explosive socioeconomic, sociopolitical, and sociocultural issues and problems—YOU GOT IT—Individual, Institutional, and Structural Racism… which is very telling.
Mr. Eagle’s point of view, to me, is always on the money. I emphatically agree that the issue of racism is enormous, perhaps only buried by time passing, and the radical changes to the social and educational systems prolonging it. In the meantime, our national goal should prioritize a country-wide effort to wipe out poverty and the crime that lives where the poor are.